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Party Activities!

Our bridesmaids have planned some activities for the wedding party!

Be sure to join in the fun!

Storytelling Activity

Our lovely bridesmaid ViMa has put together a creative and collaborative storytelling activity! Together, guests can take turns adding to a story prompt to create a complete story by the time the party is over.

Be sure to see how it turns out!

Story opening will be revealed on the day of the wedding...


Thank you to everyone who contributed to the story! The complete story will be revealed soon ❤

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Word Guess

A word-guessing game! A bridesmaid will PM a game participant with a word.

The guest must then get others in the party chat to guess what the word is, without using the word, any of its root words, or abbreviations. If the word is guessed correctly, then both Ladies receive a special photo with the bride!


Scavenger Hunt

In this game, hints are left in some bridesmaid's profiles.

These hints, all together, will spell a certain word... Find the hints and be the first to guess the word correctly, and you win a pic!

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